☆Kate Bishop ‘Hawkeye’ -YA 2-, Hawkeye/Young Avengers

Lol I’m not the only one who loves Katie Kate. I introduced my sister to Kate Bishop and she wound up loving her too. She loved her so much that she wanted to cosplay her and I was so happy to cosplay Young Avengers with her. The bodysuit was sewn by me. This was the very first bodysuit that I made actually. I also made her belt and leg band. My sister made her quiver and arrows. The bow was commissioned. I’ve actually worn this very same costume to cons too, but don’t have photos of it. The sleeves come up a little short on me though, since my sister’s arms are shorter than mine.

Completed: October 2014

Kate’s bow made by C.K. Dai

You can check out info on my Wiccan here~!
I’ve also cosplayed Kate’s Young Avengers 1 costume, as seen here~!

Photo credits: Nance M. Photography